In 2018 and 2019 the two research reactors in Norway were permenently taken out of operation.
Norwegian Nuclear Decommissioning (NND) is an agency under the ministry of Trade, Industry and fisheries responsible for decommissioning of the research reactors and other nuclear infrastructure connected to this end. NND is also responsible for safe handling, storage and disposal of nuclear waste in Norway.
The agency is also an expert body in matters concerning decommissioning of nuclear infrastructure and storage of nuclear waste. As such we give independent advice regarding these issues to the government. See the exhaustive list of our assignments (Norwegian).
As of now the independent Institute for Energy Technology (IFE) owns and are responsible for the research reactors. Within due time ownership and responsibility will be moved to NND.
NND is still in a build-up phase and a lot of time and resources are allocated to planning and organizational development. When the agency is fully operational and has obtained the necessary licenses from DSA (The Norwegian radiation and nuclear safety authority) NND will be the single point of contact for handling of nuclear waste created in Norway.
Decommissioning and handling of nuclear waste are complex issues covering a wide variety of competencies. NND plans to use a mix of in-house resources and procured services and we aim to develop longstanding partnership with trusted suppliers.
NND was officially formed in February of 2018 and resides in Halden, Norway.